, There So Much Giveaways for Us!! - Diah Alsa - Lifestyle Blogger Kendari ,

There So Much Giveaways for Us!!

Like usual, I use Sunday to rearrange my blog and [of course] blogwalking, and when I read my friend's blog, Riesta. I saw she just recent post about giveaways so I go there to check it.

Oke well, I also wanna join all giveaways, and here they are:

Thanh Thao's Gifts

Giveaway from Thanh Thao, a blogger from Germany would like to give us giveaway. This Giveaway end today (May 9th, 2010 at 13.00 O'clock in German Time) so if you want to get those gifts just Check it out the information and other rules ;)

Mary's Gifts

The next giveaway from Mary, she always call herself as Panda Girl. This giveaway will end by May 14th, 2010. So, go there and check it out for more details :)

Rachel's Gifts

The other giveaway from Rachel, a blogger and also journalist from London. Her giveaway will end on May 21st, 2010. Just check it out for further information :D

Beauty Vibes' Gifts

Then, there also a giveaway from Beauty Vibes, deadline for this giveaway is same with Rachel, it will be end on May 21st, 2010 too... so be fast friends, check it there :)

Cheon-Hwa's Gifts

And here from Cheon-Hwa to celebrate her over 100 followers of her blog. She will give us those items, and the giveaway will be end on June 4th, 2010. Just check it there :)

Actually... there are so many giveaways for this month.... but maybe for this time I just join this giveaway, maybe tomorrow or next I'll looking for them.... Who knows if I will become a winner, hahahhah... Opportunity will always around us if we try and optimist :D

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  • andi bacil
    andi bacil 8:28 PM

    ikutan juga jeng???
    gud luck ya...

  • deadyrizky
    deadyrizky 2:05 PM

    ih wow
    jadi gak ngeluarin bujet buat kosmetik lagi ya

  • dv
    dv 5:17 PM

    uuuhh pengen ikutan yg begini ga pernah terealisasi :((
    gud lak yaa di :)

  • ♥ria♥
    ♥ria♥ 12:22 PM

    wah banyak ikutan give awaynya
    semoga dapet yah ^___^

    oh iyah link kamu dah aku pasang sama bannernya jg
    makasih ya ^___^

  • Zawa
    Zawa 1:19 PM

    Berkunjuuuung hihihihi...

  • Diah Alsa
    Diah Alsa 1:14 PM

    @Riesta: heheh, yupii jenk.. ngikut dkau :D

    @Deadyrizky: hehehh... iseng2 doank, skalian jadi bahan postingan *ketahuan deh malas posting nya* :D

    @Devi: ayooooo, mari laksanakaaaaannn :D

    @mbak Ria: Amin, makasih ya mbak..
    btw makasih jg dah ngelink daku, dah dilink balik y mbak ;)

    @kak Zawa: kak Zawaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, koq baru berkunjung lagi :D

  • ♥ria♥
    ♥ria♥ 1:11 PM

    iyah sama2 diah ^___^

    met menjelang siang :D

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